FCL.210.H PPL(H) – Experience requirements and crediting


(a) Applicants for a PPL(H) shall have completed at least 45 hours of flight instruction on helicopters, 5 of which may have been completed in an FNPT or FFS, including at least:
(1) 25 hours of dual flight instruction; and
(2) 10 hours of supervised solo flight time, including at least 5 hours of solo cross-country flight time with at least 1 cross-country flight of at least 185 km (100 NM), with full stop landings at 2 aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure.
(3) 35 of the 45 hours of flight instruction have to be completed on the same type of helicopter as the one used for the skill test.


Description générale de la formation PPL(H) avec une proposition de ventilation des heures SOLO et DOUBLE. Rappel de l’exigence d’une navigation solo de 100NM.
Les fiches d’enregistrement des vols précisent le type d’aéronef utilisé. Cela permet de vérifier le nombre d’heures d’instruction effectuées sur le type d’aéronef proposé à l’examen

Cf livret

Mode d'emploi : page 3
Enregistrements des vols : page 58 à 81

Ed2 Rev1